Renault Clio: Charge circuit: Specifications

D4F or F4R or K4J or K4M or K9K or M4R


Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Specifications

Charge circuit: Function

D4F or F4R or K4J or K4M or K9K or M4R


These vehicles are fitted with a built-in regulator and an instrument panel warning light which operates as follows:

Charge circuit: Check

D4F or F4R or K4J or K4M or K9K or M4R

Check the current after 30 minutes of heating at a voltage of 13.5 V.

Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Check

Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Check

Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Check

Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Check

Renault Clio. Charge circuit: Check


 Alternator: Removal - Refitting

K4J, and STANDARD HEATING - K4M, and STANDARD HEATING REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle: Towing and lifting). Remove the air inlet

 Starter: Removal - Refitting

D4F, and 740 or 742 or 764 REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Disconnect the battery (see Battery: Removal - Refitting) (MR 392, 80A, Battery). Remove the air filter unit (see 12A, Fuel mi



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 Tyre inflation kit

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