Renault Clio: Fuel Supply


 Fuel circuit: Operating diagram

D4F or F4R or K4J or K4M Operating diagram of the petrol supply circuit ( " pump - sender - fuel filter " assembly). The fuel system does not have a return. The fuel pressure does not vary with eng

 Diesel supply circuit: Operating diagram

K9K, and 750 or 752 or 766 or 768 Operating diagram of the diesel fuel supply circuit The circuit comprises: a sender (1), a priming bulb (2), a fuel filter (3) that can be fitted with a water de

 Diesel filter: Removal - Refitting

K9K REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Remove: the front right-hand wheel (see Wheel: Removal - Refitting) (MR 392, 35A, Wheels and tyres), the right-hand wheel arch liner (see Front wh


 Heating: List and location of components

LEFT-HAND DRIVE Control panel Cabin filter Rear air distribution duct Recirculation control cable Air distribution cable Air mixing cable Air distribution unit Heater matrix Fan assembly Heating resistor relay Heating resistors: Blower control unit. Front side air distribution duct Fr

 Plugs: Removal - Refitting

D4F, and 740 - D4F, and 784 or 786 Spark plug electrode gap REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION D4F, and 784 Remove the turbocharger air outlet pipe bolt (2) from the inlet distributor. Remove the turbocharger air outlet pipe clip (3) from the turbocharger. Note: If the clip (4) is re

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