Renault Clio: Structural bodywork documentation: Use

B85 or C85


This information is classified in two complementary documents:

1 - Vehicle structure bodywork repair procedures (MR of the vehicle concerned)

This document comprises two sections:

a - Section 0:

This section does not contain repair methods, it only contains description information; It consists of several subsections:

b - Section 4:

This section consists of several subsections:

These subsections are linked to the Replacement Parts Catalogue and contain two types of information:

Note: Always read both parts in order to have all the necessary information to repair the vehicle.

2 - Fundamentals of the structure bodywork repair (MR 400)

This document comprises two sections:

a - Section 0:

This section does not contain any repair procedures; it only contains descriptive information and has only one subsection:

b - Section 4:

This section contains information about using the equipment and products, and basic operating ranges which concern the bodyshop technician. This section only has one subsection.


Renault Clio. Structural bodywork documentation: Use

Renault Clio. Structural bodywork documentation: Use


 Vehicle on repair bench: Description

I - MAIN REFERENCE POINTS BEFORE TRIM-SETTING 1 - Front sub-frame in place The jig crowns the front sub-frame rear mounting bolt (A). Use this situation for a rear impact or a light frontal impact w

 Structural components to be positioned on the repair bench: Description

I - PARTS REQUIRING THE USE OF A BODY JIG BENCH Radiator cross member support Centre floor front side cross member Front side member closure panel Front side member Engine stand Front half-uni

 Front Lower Structure


 Tailgate spoiler: Removal - Refitting

K85 REMOVAL OPERATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART CONCERNED Remove: the blanking covers (1), the nuts (2). Unclip the tailgate spoiler at (3). Disconnect: the high level brake light connector, the rear screen washer jet pipe. Remove the tailgate spoiler. REFITTING I - REFITTING PRE

 Control panel: Removal - Refitting

REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Remove the centre console (see Centre console: Removal - Refitting) (MR 393, 57A, Interior equipment). Unclip the trim at (1) and (2) at the base of the dashboard. RADIO NO. 01 or RADIO NO. 02 or RADIO NO.03 or RADIO NO. 04 or RADIO NO. 05 or RADIO

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