Renault Clio: Windscreen washer reservoir

Renault Clio. Windscreen washer reservoir

Topping up

With the engine switched off, open the cap 3. Fill until you can see the fluid, then replace the cap.


Screen wash product (product with antifreeze in winter).



The replacement of filter components (air filter, cabin filter, diesel filter, etc.) is scheduled in the maintenance operations for your vehicle. Replacement intervals for filter elements: refe

 Tyre pressure

Label A Open the driver’s door to read it. Tyre pressures should be checked when the tyres are cold. If the tyre pressures cannot be checked when the tyres are cold, increase the press


This is located under cover 1 and does not need to be serviced. Handle the battery with care as it contains sulphuric acid, which must not come into contact with eyes or skin. If


 Remote headlight beam adjustment actuator: Removal - Refitting

DOCUMENTATION PHASE 1 DISCHARGE LAMPS IMPORTANT To prevent burns, wait until the " computers - power unit " assemblies are cold before removal. IMPORTANT To prevent eye injuries: do not look at a xenon bulb when lit (voltage when lit 20000 V), do not light a bulb which has not been fitted into


REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle: Towing and lifting) (MR 392, 02A, Lifting equipment). Disconnect the battery (see Battery: Removal - Refitting) (MR 392, 80A, Battery). Remove: the engine cover, the engine undertray, the fr

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